So apparently the networks got together and decided Wednesday at 8 would be the hour o' Dice. Every single network is programming a show I'm excited about (that's right CW, I just relegated you to non network status, so just deal.). Survivor remains the reality show that gets me the most worked up on a week to week basis (yes, I still have to watch with a blanket on, because I get so nervous that my extremities get cold.), Lie to Me's summer run has shown that it has some true legs and is just hitting it's stride. (Seriously, some of those summer episodes were multiplex worthy.) Undercovers has the name JJ Abrams behind it, and The Middle is hilarious but just so happened to debut the same season as Modern Family and Community and thus gets forgotten. Speaking of which, the only non 8PM offering I'm interested in is the aforementioned Modern Family, which is more perfectly cast than a Kevin Vandam toss into the Alabama River (Sorry, I'm in the Ozarks now, I have to pretend I know the culture, I work two blocks from Bass Pro headquarters for Pete's sake.)
Other than that, I have no interest in America's Next Top Kitchen, or any type of felines, be they from Hell or a town of cougars. Also do we really have any headlines left for another Law and Order to rip from?
TWO HOURS OF MUST: Survivor & Modern Family (and half of Lie to Me)
The color coded breakdown:
ABC - The Middle
CBS - Survivor
CW - America's Next Top Model
Fox - Lie To Me
NBC - Undercovers
ABC - Better with You
ABC - Modern Family
CBS - Criminal Minds
CW - Hellcats
Fox - Hell's Kitchen
NBC - Law & Order: SVU
ABC - Cougar Town
ABC - The Whole Truth
CBS - The Defenders
NBC - Law & Order: Los Angeles
Wednesday's Total: Two 1 hour Dramas, Two half-hour comedies, One 1 hour reality, 4 hours
Overall Total: 9 hours drama, 1.5 hours comedy, 3 hours Reality = 13.5 hours
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