Made a life goal list back in college and today I get to mark another one off. Tonight I'm going to a professional tennis tournament. OK, so it's not Wimbledon or anything, but I'm counting it. In fact the station got some sweet suite ticks so I'll even be following the bouncing ball in style. I've heard that tennis is like hockey in that it is so much more impressive in person. We shall see.
Here for your enjoyment is the rest of my list and how I'm progressing:
Life Goal Rules:
1). Once the list is begun you can add things but never subtract them.
2). Make them as specific as possible.
3). Adding life goals in hindsight is ok but must be noted as such.
(Uncompleted goals in red)
- Go to a Pistons' Playoff game (Pistons/Heat Game 5 Eastern Conference Finals 2005, Pistons dominate Shaq and the Heat)
- Go to a Tigers' Playoff game (Tigers/As Game 3 ALCS 2006. Kenny Rogers dominates Oakland)
- Go to a Red Wing's Playoff game
- Go to a Lion's Playoff game (Haha)
- Meet Toby Mac (Many times now, in fact last time he actually knew my name. Livin' the dream, baby.)
- Meet Steve Taylor (National Youth Workers convention 2000, presented him with a 3 ring binder compilation of ways he had inspired me called "Steve Taylor for Precedent", if you weren't sure of my geek status, know now, I'm a full fledged nerd.)
- Meet Jon Foreman (HINDSIGHT: Didn't know how much it would mean to me now, but met the guys at GMA 97 before the first album was even out, listened to Chem 6A nonstop the entire drive home)
- Skydive (I was so close to this one, but they were afraid if I freaked out they couldn't control me, the life of a big guy.)
- Scuba dive (Honeymoon, 1995, Cayman Islands, Sting Ray City, Incredible)
- Perform in front of Thousands (Nazarene Youth Congress, 1995, 8,000 screaming teens, as part of a group called "Vision")
- Sing the National Anthem before a professional sporting event (1996, Before Pacers/Rockets game as a part of Orpheus Choir)
- Have a radio show (Every morning on 101.7 The Fuse)
- Go to professional Tennis match (TONIGHT)
- Go to a professional Golf tournament (Buick Open 2002, Saw Tiger drive up close, feared for my life)
- Shake the hand of an active president
- Be completely Debt free (including home) by 40 (Not looking likely but I'm still going for it)
- Go to Europe (Portugal/Spain Mission Trip 1997)
- Go to Africa
- Go to Australia
- Weigh 240 again (This may seem high to you, but for a 6'6", stable structured person as myself 240 looks almost skinny)
- Appear in a feature film
- Publish a book
- Write a song for each of my children (Still haven't recorded "Ethan's Song" yet but when I do I'll let you know where you can purchase the full album ;))
Didn't you also have "open hand slap Mark Shultz" on this list?!? Wait, that was my life goal list. Nevermind. lol
ReplyDeleteI still think the "open hands, open hearts" picture coffee table book is one of the better ideas we've ever had. Who wouldn't buy a coffee table book full of pictures of us open hand slapping various Christian artists?