Monday, December 29, 2008

Poll: Open or Closed?

Seriously, am I the only one?  Leave your vote in the comments below.


  1. UHHHHH, definitely closed!! Which is why I always close it. Didn't realize you were so terrified of it. I close it so the water on the shower curtain can air dry and not get gross and moldy. I didn't know you had been so terrorized by watching Psycho - but then she was in the shower with it drawn when the knife wielding psycho attacked - PLEASE TELL ME YOU SHUT THE CURTAIN WHEN YOU SHOWER!?!

  2. Closed. I always close it. I view it like a closet door. You put things in the closet and then close the door so the rest of the room doesn't look messy. So unless you are also scared of monsters in the closet I say leave it closed. I also now know how to really freak you out next time I'm at your house. mwa ha ha

  3. Definitely closed!! I'm with Jenn regarding allowing the curtain to dry out and not get moldy.
    Do you check under beds and in all the closets too?
    I'm wondering what we did wrong as parents that left such a traumatic impression on you.

  4. Well, these with the others who commented on Facebook make it abundantly and unanimously clear that I have psychological issues with this. Apparently I am the only one who gets freaked out by a closed shower curtain. I harbor no such illness in regards to closets or under beds, but I will forever shudder if I walk into your bathroom and you have your shower closed off.

  5. My daughter demanded that I let you know she is also terrified of the closed shower curtain! Didn't know this about her, but in her defense she is 11 years old. Love you, melissa
