(Brevity is the soul of wit... and also laziness)
A few notes before we get into it:
- There will be no honorable mentions. If it doesn't make the cut, to mention it would hold no honor.
- I have expanded my TV list to 20 and my movie list remains 41. This is out of about 50 TV shows I watched and 160 movies this year, meaning roughly about the top 40 percent of the TV I watched and the top 25 percent of the movies I saw are included. Math, yay!
- This is for newly viewed items in the calendar year 2012. This means the final half of last season, and first half of this season for many TV shows, and also means there will be movies that came out last year that I am just getting around to seeing. But for me these things were new this year.
- This is a "favorites" list, not a "best of" list. I embrace the subjectivity of art. This is my list and it is influenced by many factors that might be unique to my perspective. Having said that, I'm pretty sure its also completely infallible.
Here's the plan for the month:
Here's my updated list of my 41 favorite movies ever:
(note: 2012 marks the 11th year I've updated this list, if you want to see a spreadsheet detailing my entirety of my sickness you may click here, you've been warned.)
The Top 41:

41. Iron Giant
40. Gattaca (-1)
39. Groundhog's Day (-3)
38. Wall E (-3)

36. Ratatouille (-3)
35. Shawshank Redemption (+3)
34. Moulin Rouge (+3)
33. Gran Torino (-3)

31. Liar, Liar (+1)
30. Swing Kids (-2)
29. Apocolypto (-2)
28. Sound of Music (+3)
27. The Avengers (*)
26. Inception

24. Dial M for Murder (-1)
23. Toy Story 3 (+2)
22. Star Wars
21. How to Train Your Dragon
20. Up (-3)

18. Titanic
17. Apollo 13 (-1)
16. Vertigo (+4)
15. Avatar
14. Signs

12. United 93
11. The Matrix (-2)
10. The Incredibles (+3)
9. The Hudsucker Proxy (-1)

7. The Truman Show
6. Quiz Show (-1)
5. The Princess Bride (+1)
4. North by Northwest
3. Finding Nemo
2. Singin' In the Rain
1. Lord of the Rings
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